Jonathan Woodward 動画一覧
Jonathan Woodward
東京大学 総合文化研究科 准教授
PEAK Q&A Corner [EN]
Jonathan Woodward、甘蔗 寂樹、Irina Holca、鈴木 早苗、Shen Zhou、Yip Song Ling、Matsumura Seiji、伊能 逸心、AO室スタッフ
Introduction to PEAK (Programs in English at Komaba) [英語]
Jonathan Woodward
Closing Remark
GFD Symposium 2019ーFrontiers in Higher Education: Diversifying and Transforming Teaching
Jonathan Woodward
パネル・ディスカッション:日本の高等教育における科学教育の未来 [英語]
Global Faculty Development Symposium
Carl Wieman、Jonathan Woodward、村田 隆紀、渡邊 雄一郎、Richard Shefferson、藤垣 裕子
Flipping a foundation science course: What and how I did it and what I learnt
Rethinking the lecture: Examples of flipped classrooms at MIT and UTokyo
Jonathan Woodward
Poster Session Overview
Tell the World - Global research outreach at the University of Tokyo
高祖 歩美、小松 陽一、Jonathan Woodward、Anupreeta More
Research at UTokyo: Letting the world know
Tell the World - Global research outreach at the University of Tokyo
Jonathan Woodward