2023年度 SCERU Seminar / GraSPP Research Seminar

2023年度 SCERU Seminar / GraSPP Research Seminar

The 9th SCERU Public Seminar: Europe whole and free - a work in progress and a gain for the world: Perspective from Latvia [EN]
Krišjānis Kariņš


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00:00 Title and Terms of Use
00:16 Introducing of Dr. Kariņš from Chair
01:29 Opening remarks by vice dean
03:37 Summary of today's topic from Chair
05:16 Foreign minister/ Dr. Kariņš keynote speech opening
06:44 About Latvia, nation and history with geopolitics, until 1920
08:36 Second World war; divided the east of Europe and Baltic countries by Hitler and Stalin
09:48 End of Second World war; Soviet occupation when starts
11:25 How Latvia take their country back from Russia and became a free independent country
13:32 Very rapid and hard transformation to cement Latvia as a member of EU and NATO
15:08 European Union; valued based union, rule of law exists
16:50 Russian war in Ukraine. When it started? 2022? 2014? Who standed Ukrainian side?
18:24 War in Middle East, with interrelation of Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea just same as Ukraine War
21:49 Understanding Russia.
24:31 If Russia gets Ukraine?
27:19 Democratic nations interrelation and all our ties need to strengthen; just one country will never able to stop it
29:24 Work and train together with various country armies as a member of NATO
30:50 What we all can do today to avoid any worse scenario is to fully and wholeheartedly continue to support Ukraine
32:11 Recall of bad times which sudden war of Ukraine show us
34:47 Message for Japan
35:14 Closeing remarks from Chair
35:33 End Title
本セミナーでは、ラトビア共和国のカリンシュ外相をお招きし、「一体化され自由なヨーロッパ」への視座、そしてアジア地域を含む国際社会におけるその理念の重要性についてご講演をいただきました。 冷戦終結期に旧ソ連占領下から独立を回復したラトビアは、その14年後にはEU・NATOへの加盟を果たし、民主国家として歩んできました。ラトビアの視点から、今日の世界における安全保障の鍵となる「ルールに基づく国際秩序」と国際協調について、幅広い議論を繰り広げます。


