134th UTokyo Open Lecture, Spring 2022 “The Road to Green Transformation"
Held on 2022

134th UTokyo Open Lecture, Spring 2022 “The Road to Green Transformation"

The Conundrum of the Crisis in the Relationship between Humanity and Nature [JP]
Masataka Furusho


00:00 タイトル
00:21 講師挨拶
01:55 イントロダクション
08:48 1.人間と自然との関係の危機の認識
15:37 2.危機のなかで究極的に問われているのは何か
23:47 3.ヨナスをめぐる疑問と考察
42:04 講義終了後のまとめ
42:43 エンドタイトル
In this day and age, it is often said that human activity itself is causing global environmental changes that threaten the very survival of humanity. What kind of introspection is now required of us regarding our relationship with nature and the fundamental meaning of human existence?

NOTE: - No subtitles. This lecture was conducted only in Japanese.
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