Grad Students' and Faculty/Staff Members' Mini-lecture Program The 18th Session
Held on 2021

Grad Students' and Faculty/Staff Members' Mini-lecture Program The 18th Session

What would happen if we got dementia? : Let's imagine what it would be like to live with dementia.


What is the experience of living with dementia?
In this lecture, you will learn 1) an overview of dementia, 2) an overview of cognitive dysfunction, and 3) the difficulties that arise in the lives of people living with dementia based on a case. The goal is to enable participants to imagine a part of the world of living with dementia.

The "Mini-lecture Program" is part of the Active Learning Practice in the Library.
This program offers you to give active learning oriented lectures by graduate students and young faculty members who have completed the University of Tokyo Future Faculty Program (UTokyo FFP).

- This lecture was conducted only in Japanese.
- Organizer's website: The University of Tokyo New Library Project

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The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education / Graduate Student

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