Rehabilitation Project of Lecture Room No. 15, Engineering Building No.1 (Part 1)Engineering Building No.1, The University of Tokyo
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Engineering Building No. 1 of The University of Tokyo is a reinforced concrete building constructed in 1935, designed by former president Professor Yoshikazu Uchida. We are pleased to announce that Lecture Room No. 15 of Engineering Building No. 1 will be renovated with donations from Kajima Corporation. We interviewed Professor Manabu Chiba of the Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, who supervised the renovation design. The history of the lecture room, the renovation design that incorporates new knowledge and technology, and applying the latest sensing measurement are explained in detail. The difficulty and excitement of realizing space for cutting-edge research and education, from a historical building can be understood. (Part 1) is an overview of this project.