UTokyo Open Days 2023
Held on 2023

UTokyo Open Days 2023

Faculty of College of Arts and Sciences Information Session [JP]
Tatsuhiko Tsukiashi


00:23 イントロダクション
00:47 1.駒場キャンパスについて
04:07 2.駒場の教育システム
05:26 3.教養学部の教育理念
06:11 4.進学選択と"Late specialization"
08:06 5.前期課程にはどんな授業があるか―特色のあるプログラム・科目-
16:50 6.教養学部後期課程
30:02 7.駒場の研究:多様性と学際性
31:17 8.分野横断型研究のHUBとして
The University of Tokyo annually holds an open campus event mainly for high school students who intend to apply for the university in the near future. There are many kinds of activities such as mini-lectures, campus tours, talk sessions with UTokyo students, and so on. This content particularly delivers a scene from the information session about the Faculty of College of Arts and Sciences.

NOTE: - No subtitles. This lecture was conducted only in Japanese.

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the University of Tokyo Vice Dean for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

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