Friday Special Lecture for High School and University Students
Held on 2022

Friday Special Lecture for High School and University Students

Why people do or do not follow the rules: an invitation to the sociology of law
Dimitri Vanoverbeke


03:06 人はなぜ規制に従うのか、従わないのか
03:32 自己紹介
09:38 社会学とは
11:30 社会学の基本概念
13:25 法社会学とは
25:02 法社会学を勉強する理由
27:00 人はなぜ規制に従うのか、従わないのか
27:30 社会のルールとは
29:22 なぜルールが必要か?
34:17 人はなぜ規制に従うのか、従わないのか:上からの視点・下からの視点
41:50 人はなぜ規制に従うのか、従わないのか:コロナ禍を事例に
54:42 何故日本では3つの密が割とよく守られているのか
59:38 何故ベルギーではロックダウンが割と守られていなかったのか
1:05:01 政府の視点から市民の視点へ

As the world has faced the COVID-19 pandemic for more than two years, each country has enacted its own regulations to prevent the spread of infection. Some countries have lax regulations, such as self-restraint, while others have strict ones with fines for violations. However, any regulation is meaningless if people do not follow it. It is a central topic in the sociology of law to consider the social environment in which people do or do not comply with regulations. This talk will introduce some interesting aspects of sociology of law by looking at the case of regulations related to the containment of COVID-19 in Japan and Europe.

- This lecture was conducted only in Japanese.

Faculty of Law/ Professor

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