Friday Special Lecture for High School and University Students_2021
Held on 2021

Friday Special Lecture for High School and University Students_2021

Scientific understanding of climate change --- Deciphering the latest IPCC report [JP]
Yu Kosaka


00:18 イントロダクション
03:39 講師自己紹介
09:07 IPCC評価報告書について
25:55 気候変動の要因
32:47 世界平均表面気温の上昇とその要因
41:16 地球温暖化のハイエイタス(停滞)
52:55 地球規模の気候変動の例(サヘル)
59:40 気象学・気候力学の魅力
1:03:59 研究者を目指す人へ

In August 2021, the latest report from Working Group I of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was released. This report summarizes and assesses findings from studies conducted around the world to understand past climate change based on natural science and to predict future climate change based on scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions etc. It provides the basis for determining how society should adapt to climate change and the extent to which we need to mitigate further climate change. In this lecture, I will give an overview of this report.

- This lecture was conducted only in Japanese.

★Your sharing on SNS may inspire others.
the University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology / Associate Professor

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