Friday Special Lecture for High School and University Students
Held on 2021

Friday Special Lecture for High School and University Students

Introduction to beautiful mathematics - Mysteries of the singular point [JP]
Yukari Ito


00:00 はじめに
04:08 講師自己紹介
18:06 数学の持つ、ふたつの顔
22:52 代数幾何学とは
25:38 特異点とは
43:02 特異点解消とは
45:53 なぜ特異点を解消するのか
52:34 物理に現れる特異点
55:30 おわりに
59:28 質疑応答

In the 17th century, the mathematician and philosopher Descartes introduced coordinates, which allow us to represent different figures with equations. When we think of them in terms of complex numbers, a more beautiful world opens up. Figures that can be represented by equations sometimes have a point, like a black hole in space, called a singular point. Let's explore such singular points and their surroundings.

- This lecture was conducted only in Japanese.

★Your sharing on SNS may inspire others.
the University of Tokyo Kavli IPMU / Professor

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