Friday Special Lecture for High School and University Students
Held on 2021

Friday Special Lecture for High School and University Students

The Korean boom in Japanese entertainment during wartime [JP]
Masaru Tonomura


00:05 イントロダクション
03:15 自己紹介
15:15 講義の概要と研究の背景
21:48 大衆文化の生成と越境
42:29 総力戦の開始と朝鮮ブーム
54:25 統制と国策のなかの消費
1:04:06 まとめ
1:07:42 質疑応答

During the wartime, Japanese society suffered from a suffocating atmosphere of military rule. In addition, the Korean people were denied their own culture and forced to assimilate. Surprisingly, however, Korean songs, dances, and plays became popular in the Japanese entertainment industry during this period. Why did this happen? We will look at the relationship between this wartime Korean boom and colonialism and resistance to it.

- This lecture was conducted only in Japanese.

★Your sharing on SNS may inspire others.
the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / Professor

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