The 4th Online Seminar by Faculty of Agriculture
Held on 2021

The 4th Online Seminar by Faculty of Agriculture

Plant phenomics using proximity remote sensing and AI [JP]
Wei Guo


00:00 タイトル
00:21 はじめに:講演中の単語定義について
11:31 本日の講演内容
12:09 事例1:育種(品種改良)早朝開花イネ育種圃場における開花時刻同定
18:31 事例2:育種(品種改良)大規模ソルガム育種圃場における出穂計数
25:22 AIと正しい教師データについて
33:25 正しい教師データを人工的に生成
39:39 まとめ
41:15 エンドタイトル

Dr. Guo Introduces research on the development of theories and applied technologies for rapidly and precisely evaluating plants' growth and activity states, from the organ level to the population level, using image pattern recognition, machine learning, and sensing technologies.

- This lecture was conducted only in Japanese.

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the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences / Research Associate

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