The 2nd Online Seminar by Faculty of Agriculture
Held on 2020

The 2nd Online Seminar by Faculty of Agriculture

Summary [JP}
Tomoko Nakanishi


00:00 タイトル
00:22 講演者紹介
01:37 はじめに
05:48 測定に関して
14:57 土壌汚染と除染と測定
19:21 講義終了挨拶

Lecturer: Tomoko Nakanishi

The Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences has been conducting educational and research activities related to Fukushima restoration support since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and has disseminated the results of these activities by holding 15 research debriefing sessions and publishing three books in English, etc. As the end of FY2020 will mark 10 years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences held a symposium to summarize the project and disseminate the culmination of past efforts. In light of the fact that the end of FY2020 will mark the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, a symposium was held to summarize the project and present the culmination of past efforts.

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